March 20, 2024

Ken (Kenji Misuni, 1964)

Movie data

Original Title: 

Director: Kenji Misuni

Year: 1964

Genre: Drama

Duration: 93 minutes

Cast: Raizō Ichikawa, Yukiko Fuji, Yūsuke Kawazu, Akio Hasegawa, Akitake Kôno, Yuka Konno, Junko Kozakura, Rieko Sumi, Yoshio Inaba, Yotaro Yajima, Kuniichi Takami, Keijiro Kazama

Plot: Kokubu Jiro is the captain of his university’s Kendo team. Often standoffish, mild, stoic and minimalist, Kokubu is a mystery to those who know him. Kagawa wants to understand Kokubu, but being arrogant and flashy, has a hard time connecting with Kokubu.

Content data

Language: Japanese

Subtitles: English and Spanish (.srt)

Format: .mkv

File size: 1.31gb

(Password: JMW)

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